Hall-Dale Elementary School  PTO

Student Enrichment

The PTO raises money for the enrichment of all HDES students. We fund in-school activities, classroom field trips, playground equipment, and classroom needs.  Mini-grants are provided to teachers to use at their discretion for field trips and needed equipment. The PTO has also supported extracurricular activities such as Odyssey of the Mind. 


The PTO serves as a forum for parents, caregivers, teachers, administrators, and the school board. We encourage members to be present at school board meetings to remain apprised of policy issues that may affect our kids. Through emails, social media, and events, we help keep our community aware of what is happening at our school. 

Caregiver Programs 

The PTO offers educational programs at selected monthly meetings.  Past programs have been on topics such as nutrition and wellness, bullying, academic curricula offered at the school, family diversity, standards based grading, and educational aspirations. 

Community Events

The PTO supports and runs a number of popular community events including the Back-to-School Ice Cream Social, Read-a-Thon, International Night Potluck, School Garden Plantings, WinterKids, and more. These events help bring people together in support of our students and school.  

Star of the Week & Birthday Board 

We want every child to feel known, seen and valued in our school community. Every Monday a group of volunteers invite a different student from each classroom to create a poster that shares unique things about them. Their posters are displayed on a bulletin board where classes and other students, teachers, and staff can learn a bit more about each other. Each and every student at Halldale Elementary will be the “Star of the Week” at some point during the school year. It is a wonderfully rewarding volunteer experience on Monday mornings between 8-9:30 am. If you are interested in volunteering, please inquire through the PTO email.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation

“Behind every child who believes in themselves is a teacher who believed in them first.” 

We are always looking for ways to support and appreciate our hardworking teachers and staff at Hall-Dale Elementary who touch the days of our children in such profound ways. If you are interested in fundraising, donating, organizing or contributing in some way to the many events we put together to support our teachers and staff, please inquire through the PTO email.