Hall-Dale Elementary School PTO
Parents run the PTO — and we always need more volunteers! Parents can help plan events, plan enrichment activities, raise funds, do the "Star of the Week," volunteer in classrooms, and much more. For those parents, guardians, and caregivers who are unable to volunteer at the school or attend evening meetings, there are sometimes projects that can be done from home, such as collating information, stuffing packets, and other tasks. Contact us to learn how you can help!
Teachers & Staff
The PTO works closely with Hall-Dale teachers and staff to provide enrichment, programs, and funds to help our students. We encourage all teachers and staff to participate in our monthly meetings, come to our community events, and let us know how we can help make Hall-Dale even better. Contact us to learn how you can help!
Community Members
We welcome the help and support from community members of all ages. Our students benefit tremendously when community members visit the school, volunteer, and contribute their time, wisdom, and resources to help make our school stronger. Contact us to learn how you can help!