Hall-Dale Elementary School PTO


What is the PTO and how is it different from the School Board?

The Hall-Dale Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (HDES PTO) is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to nurturing an environment that enriches learning through communication, information, and support for the HDES community. We seek to improve the educational experience of every Hall-Dale Elementary student and to support the parents, caregivers, teachers, and staff. All parents, guardians, caregivers of, and community members with relationships to children enrolled at HDES, as well as HDES teachers and staff, are eligible to join.

The Kennebec Intra-District Schools Regional School Unit #2 (KIDS-RSU2) Board members are elected by the public in regular election cycles, and represent the communities of Dresden, Farmingdale, Hallowell, and Monmouth. KIDS-RSU2 has ten schools across five towns, and each school is slightly different in how it approaches the district’s mission. In general, all school boards have three major responsibilities: developing an annual budget to run the school system, setting school policies, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent. Learn about the School Board representatives, review board meeting agendas and minutes, see career opportunities, gain access to official school documents, news, events, and more:  https://www.kidsrsu.org/page/school-board

What are the PTO’s main activities?

Why does the PTO always seem to be raising money? What are some examples of things the PTO funds?

The PTO raises money to support educational programs at HDES — 100% of the money we raise goes directly back to the school. In the past few years, we have paid for new playground equipment, sponsored visiting authors, science, nature and theatrical or musical guests, supported enrichment programs such as Odyssey of the Mind and WinterKids, and given mini-grants to teachers to pay for field trips and needed supplies.

Who are the PTO officers in 2022-2023?

When are the PTO’s meetings?

We meet once per month. An invitation is emailed to all families 1-2 weeks before each meeting and shared on the HDES PTO Facebook Group. We try to meet regularly in person, offer hybrid call-in options, and/or meet virtually. All parents, guardians, caregivers, and HDES staff are invited to attend. 

Who can vote on PTO initiatives?

Voting occurs during PTO meetings, so anyone in attendance can initiate and vote on motions during meetings. 

How can parents get involved?

It’s easy! Simply come to a meeting or contact a PTO officer to find out what you can do to help improve our school. Parent volunteers help with event planning, fundraising, communication, budgeting, and everything else. We could not be a successful PTO without the involvement - light or heavy - of our students’ caregivers, teachers, and HDES staff. Please keep an eye on your email or the HDES PTO Facebook Group for ways you can support ongoing efforts.

I don’t have time to go to the monthly meetings. Can I still be involved?

Absolutely! Most of what we do happens outside of our meetings. Just let us know that you are interested!

What is the best way to contact the PTO?

You may contact the President via email: halldaleptoinfo@gmail.com. You also may post a message on the HDES PTO Facebook Group.